Wine number 8:
2003 Wellington Vineyards Zinfandel
Some information about Wellington is below. This is my first Zinfandel of my journey, but not my first Zin overall. Zinfandel is actually a grape that I'm a big fan of but have been turned off by some subpar offerings such as Starfire [HOLY OAK!!!] and Amazin [just sort of blah]. Anyway, here is what I have to say about this . It is an excellent wine, bringing back what I loved about some early zinfandels I've had and was worried were the exception. Definite cherry notes and what could possibly be light light currant though probably not. [It reminded me of currant but then I smelled my currant jam and it didn't match... but it still reminded me of it if that makes any sense at all.] Definitely fruit forward, a bit acoholic but not overly. Like I said, excellent. Some time will probably smooth it out. Wish I had more frankly... maybe I'll contact Peter Wellington and convince him to ship me a bunch.
Wine Count: 8. Grape Count: 9.
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